“Dry January!”

“Dry January” is in full effect, and we’ve got great health benefits from the Zepf Center and delicious mocktails🍹 to enjoy from Registry Bistro to help make the alcohol-free journey that much better!

BONUS! Here is Emily’s favorite Mocktail recipe “The La Gloria” (a take on a classic margarita😋) from Registry Bistro:


2 oz seed lips garden 108 

3/4 oz fresh lime 

3/4 oz simple syrup 

Ginger beer 

In a tin add

  • seed lips 108 
  • fresh lime 
  • simple syrup 
  1. Shake with ice until well chilled 
  2. Pour into a rocks glass with salted rim – do not strain 
  3. top with ginger beer. 
